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HKAFF Winter 2015

20 December 2015 - Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival Winter 2015 winners:


Best Narrative Feature Film: Malady by Jack James. “Malady explores the boundaries of love when it is built from grief and challenged by shame, guilt and secrets. Holly is grieving after losing the only person in her life, her mother. In an attempt to escape her pain and fulfill her mother's last dying wishes she ventures out of the confines of the family home to find love. She meets Matthew, a man troubled by a secretive and obscure past. Together they find solace and begin to create something beautiful, but as time passes by and they delve deeper into each other's lives they are drawn back to Matthew's childhood home. Here they encounter Matthew's sickly mother Loralei, who attempts to destroy their mystique of love and the bonds they have tentatively made. This thrusts the loving couple into a spiraling nightmare of lies and deceit, testing their loyalty and redefining their definition of family.”


Best Documentary Feature Film: Felvidek. Caught in between by Vladislava Plancikova. “An animated documentary, dusts up long-forgotten stories of people from a Central European region, whose lives were affected by the decisions of political leaders. After World War II, thousands of people from this region were forced to leave their homes. Memories come alive.”


Best Narrative Short Film: Stegna by Konstantinos Giannakopoulos. “Thirteen unvoiced images about a family of four.”


Best Documentary Short Film: Calling Ukraine by Jean Counet. “Through a Skype call the daily life, dreams and fears of a family in Eastern-Ukraine is revealed while the bombs are falling in the background. A grandmother in Latvia phones with her sister and child who live in the war zone of Eastern-Ukraine, months without often having water and electricity. We see the traces of the war on the face of the grandmother who, like the viewer is powerless.”


Best Animated Short Film: The Forest Paper by Sipparpad Krongraksa. “This animation it all about bird who want to build her nest with straw,but he get lost in to the world that is made of paper, everybody in the city tends to focus on technologies and forget to care about our cause disaster like flooding. This 3D animation symbolizes the lives of people in the city nowadays, which most of them that are likely to depend on materialism and that causes them to ignore their duty, which is to protect and support the existing of our natural resources.The main purpose of this project is to present the idea of how our mother nature could with the being harm through the use of paper.”


Best Underground Film: Head by Jon Bristol. “Performed by the Elmwood Puppets and presented as a part of the fictional 'Graveyard Gil's Midnight Thrills' late-night, B-movie public access show, the feature focuses on a group of twenty somethings on a weekend camping trip in remote New England who begin to uncover that the site of their getaway was host to a series of brutal mass murders, as their once fun vacation turns into a fight to survive.”


Best Experimental Film: O: a film shot with water lens -les amants d'eau- by Watanabe Takahiko. “This is a 5 minutes film shot entirely with a lens made of a water drop. The camera depicts the memories of a water drop and a girl who have been together all the time. The two start to overlap,and eventually the boundaries of human beings and water drops melt down, leaving the audience in the warm silence of absolute nostalgia.”


Best Music Video: Circles by Martin Cenkl. “Melancholic "Panel story" describes subjective view on life in industrial and uptown zones. We can see places between block of flats and some fabric buildings somewhere behind the city centre, which has specific genius loci. Music video has several dream or magic realism parts during the story.”


Best Hong Kong Film: Solitary by Adythia Utama. “Hong Kong through the eyes of a lonely man.”




Official selection Winter 2015:


Love Thy Neighbour (original title : "L'Amour de son prochain") (France) by Benoit Maestre

Imperfect Sky (U.S.) by Graham Streeter

Lucid (Turkey) by Daghan Dalgic

White Rose (South Korea) by Kang Shin Gyu

Born From Pain "Dance With The Devil" (Italy) by Inti Carboni

Invisible Spaces (Georgia) by Dea Kulumbegashvili

Mer Depré (U.S.) by Margaret Orr

Malady (U.K.) by Jack James

Staircase 2 (Hong Kong) by Stanley Ka Chung Lai

PMS: Pre-teen Monster Syndrome (U.S.) by Nathan Ludwig, Chad Farmer

Omessa (France) by Favier Charlène

The Forest Paper (Thailand) by Sipparpad Krongraksa

A farm at twilight (Belgium) by chantale Anciaux

Total Animal III (France) by Guerlotté Tristan

Dark Horse Candidate (Canada) by Liss Platt

Lila & Valentin (France) by Adrien Lhommedieu

Escapes (Spain) by Mercedes Gaspar

O: a film shot with water lens -les amants d'eau- (Japan) by Watanabe Takahiko

Nighthawks (U.S.) by Fang Ji

Lux (U.K.) by Chris Chung

Felvidek. Caught in between (Slovakia) by Vladislava Plancikova

Seen By My Eyes, Hong Kong (Hong Kong) by Francis So

Flesh to Violet (U.K.) by Tim Marchant

The soul is wandering (Belgium) by Guillaume Vandenberghe

In-between (Denmark) by Henrik Kolind

I Have Something To Tell You (Hong Kong) by Wu Linman

Hoc Est Corpus Meum (Germany) by Benjamin Zuber

The Boudoir (Canada) by David Latreille

Mamochka (Netherlands) by Eddy Van Hamersveld

Afterglow (U.S.) by Eli Linnetz

Stegna (Στέγνα) (Greece) by Konstantinos Giannakopoulos

The End Of Everything As You Knew It. A Guide. (Luxembourg) by Christian Neuman

On The Horizon - Feature Film (Canada) by Pascal Payant

Kids Who Jump Off Bridges (Canada) by Zoe Neary

Remains (Israel) by Yotam Ben-David

Solitary (Indonesia) by Adythia Utama

Belching 37 (Belgium) by Kristian Van der Heyden

The colors for Leo (Spain) by Zarah Knebel

When Independence (Hong Kong) by Jaspa Tang

The Man Who Couldn´t Cry (Germany) by Natalie MacMahon

Three Incredibly Short Films by The Lenz Twinz (U.S.) by Felix Lenz, Sloane Lenz

Memory 7 Days, 3 Continents, 10 Minutes, 22 Seconds (U.S.) by Gloria Chung

Then Then Then (Canada) by Daniel Schioler

R_don't give an inch (Canada) by Anne-Marie Bouchard

Circles (Czech Republic) by Martin Cenkl

Calling Ukraine (Netherlands) by Jean Counet

Shoebox Memories (Ireland) by Jason Branagan

From Afar (Australia) by Tess Hutson

Lighter than Orange – The Legacy of Dioxin in Vietnam (Germany) by Matthias Leupold

Like A Cast Shadow (Germany) by Michael Krummenacher

The Journey of Little Red Cap inside of the Wolfs Belly (Ukraine) by Lidiya Huzhva

The Delicious Toad (Hong Kong) by Yin Wong, Phillip J Walker

Uri In The Sky (Israel) by Amir Har-Gil

Negotiating Amnesia (U.K.) by Alessandra Ferrini

"Slartibartfast" Yearnst/Marinah Janello (Not Specified) by Marinah Janello

Painting The Stars (Greece) by Yannis Christoforou

FranTick (Switzerland) by Amanda Piller

A Noodle in the Rain (U.S.) by Minki Hong

Cantonese rice (France) by ma

It's snowing (Italy) by Lu Pulici

Building Magic (U.S.) by Kal Toth

Feast in a Fallen City (U.S.) by Aron Bothman

Doll (Not Specified) by Diana Avhadieva

"I Can't Be Your Superman" by Skylar Spence (Not Specified) by Maegan Houang

New Start (Hong Kong) by Angie Palmer

Arca Archa (Canada) by Sarah El Bakkouri

Haruan: The Snakehead (Malaysia) by 

Reunification (U.S.) by Alvin Tsang

Goon Gun - Pussy in the Sea (Russia) by Grigori Ermolaev

Ritmo Veraniego (Spain) by dadá

Ana (Canada) by Frederick Maheux

In The Waves (U.S.) by Ying-Fang Shen

Ludo (Faroe Islands) by Katrin Ottarsdóttir

Bardo: (U.S.) by Derek Coté

Venom Therapy (Not Specified) by Steven Murashige

Annoying (Canada) by Zoran Maslic

Lucid (Denmark) by Henrik Bjerregaard Clausen

Darker (U.S.) by Alex Torres

The sleep of the amazons (Belgium) by Berangere McNeese

The Rooster (Russia) by Alexey Nuzhny

spilling salt (Mexico) by Natalia Armienta

Head (U.S.) by Jon Bristol

鬼佬 (Ghost Man) (Hong Kong) by Matthew Victor Pastor

Melani (Greece) by Giorgos Efthimiou

Paolos Dream (Greece) by Kirineos Papadimatos, Giannis Avramopoulos

Locker X (Germany) by Brian May

Just talking to her (South Korea) by Euiyoung Lim

The Queer (Hong Kong) by Kwok Chung Yee Freya

Silent Lips (Sweden) by Carl Abrahamsson

Golfville (Hong Kong) by Qiu Sheng

Karma (U.S.) by Hudson Bloom

Buffalo (U.S.) by Michael McCallum

The Escape (Switzerland) by Sami Arpa

Burn Out Love (Germany) by Joachim Glaser

Rain Lotus (China) by Joe Chang

Artspeak (U.S.) by Bill Claps

Online (Croatia) by Arijana Lekić- Fridrih

Up This Hill (U.S.) by Paul Sobota

Locked (Germany) by René de Sans, Mamana

Frisky (U.S.) by Claudia Pickering

Simple Little Lives (U.S.) by Shoja Azari

The Lobster Kid (Taiwan) by Joseph Chen-Chieh Hsu

Snow (U.K.) by Washington Buckley

Still (U.S.) by Peyton Momberger




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